Earlier in the spring Be the Peace Institute submitted a brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women on IPV in Canada. As a rural, Nova Scotian nonprofit dedicated to addressing the roots and consequences of gender-based violence through our partnerships and projects, we shared our cumulative findings drawn from projects, research and what we have heard from diverse survivours over years.
In June the Standing Committee publicly shared their report based on what they heard from 74 witnesses and through 137 written briefs and made 28 subsequent recommendations to government which spanned legislative changes, increased services & supports particularly in rural areas and for racialized and those struggling with poverty, prevention education, increased funding to front-line services for those fleeing violence AND implementing the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence as well as the Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
Be the Peace Institute was proudly referenced a number of times in the report, including this featured quote about the many system harms those who have experienced IPV face after seeking help.
Read the full report here.
Letter from the Chair of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women, Mrs. Karen Vecchio